The Root of It

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With May upon us and warm season vegetables getting into the ground, I was recently reminded of a time in college when I planted a tomato garden for my grandparents. Tucked in a small corner of their yard, they consistently planted tomatoes in this location from year to year, with varying levels of success. Though shielded by their home on one side, the spot was still particularly open to the elements because it was next to an open field. As such, if a pest or environmental issue could plague the plants growing there, it was likely going to.

However, in the year in question, I had volunteered to plant their garden for them as I had leftover tomatoes that needed a home. The one problem with this? The tomatoes were about two months past their transplanting date, with stems that were easily three feet long at the time of planting. Ultimately, this would be in our favor.

Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and potatoes are all part of the nightshade family, sharing the common trait of having adventitious roots that grow along their stems. What does this mean for a gardener trying to grow extremely leggy tomatoes? Up to two-thirds of that stem can have its leaves removed and buried, instigating new root growth along the entire length of the buried portion.

When I returned to visit my grandparents later that summer, I distinctly remember my grandpa saying, “I don’t know what you did with those tomato plants, but this is the best darn harvest we’ve ever had.”

What I ‘had done’ to those plants was bury their overgrown stems within an inch of their life. This resulted in massive root systems that sustained the plants, transporting mass amounts of nutrients to developing fruit. Because there were more roots than there would have been otherwise, there was more fruit for harvest.

When it comes to the success of your plants, healthy root systems are not just a factor; they are the key. A visual assessment should reveal white and fleshy roots, not brown and reedy. This can often be achieved by following proper plant care recommendations. Still, the correct moisture level and soil consistency are crucial due to their role in preventing root rot fungal diseases.

What are the ideal conditions to strive for? Moist but not overly saturated soil that is an equal combination of sand, silt, and clay (known as loam), allowing for adequate drainage. A general rule I will tell people regarding this is that if they can physically squeeze water out of the soil in their hand, it has too much water. Likewise, if a soil prod cannot reach the depth of the roots of the plant in question, it does not have enough water. Following both, you can adjust accordingly.

Anthony Reardon, Horticulture - Small Farms agent, 2024

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